How to Scale Your Product Management Analytics Strategy

It is composed of a complete control assembly with its driving mechanism and guides. The water flow rate is also representative of a real plant but not the temperature (characterizations are made at a temperature up to 80 °C). It appears that the vibration amplitude depends on the position of the tube in the assembly, and that the higher the motion amplitude, the higher the wear rates measured.

Using a validated thermo-mechanical model however may reduce the need for costly experimental iterations. Can theory-driven machine learning approaches enable the reliable characterization of predictive uncertainty and pinpoint its sources? This has many practical applications such as decision-making in the clinic, the robust design of synthetic biology pathways, drug target identification and drug risk assessment. There are also opportunities to use quantification to guide the informed, targeted acquisition of new data. MML can also be expressed as an XML file [11,12] for automatic processing.

Meso-scale progressive damage simulation of textile composites using mesh superposition

The fan-in and fan-out mappers, whose behaviour is explained in figure 10, are sufficient to model complex situations. Then, with submodels C, D, E and F, we illustrate scale separation either in time or in space, or both. Note that the SSM can give a quick estimate of the CPU time gained by the scale splitting process when it concerns a mesh-based calculation. The CPU time of a submodel goes as (L/Δx)d(T/Δt), where d is the spatial dimension of the model, and (Δx,L) and (Δt,T) are the lower-left and upper-right coordinates of the rectangle shown on the SSM. Therefore, the computational time of the system in figure 2a is likely to be much larger than those in figure 2b. Solving each scale individually and linking their results is much faster than trying to solve a single high-resolution model containing all relevant details.

multi-scale product analysis

In this stage, while you may have some data, you don’t have visibility into user behavior within your product, and you don’t have a set strategy for what to collect or how it’s used. Data likely isn’t universally accessible across the org, so it isn’t a key part of day-to-day decision making. Any data and analytics tools (like Google Analytics) are implemented on an ad hoc basis, not as part of an end-to-end data stack. But to keep your product management analytics strategy actionable, we recommend using a 3-layer framework that breaks down your North Star goals into complementary metrics (read more about the framework and how it works here).

Anisotropic meanfield modeling of debonding and matrix damage in SMC composites

An additional advantage of multi-resolution motion estimation techniques is the potentially significant reduction in computational complexity. The objective of this work is to validate the distortion prediction capabilities of Netfabb Simulation using the multi-scale approach and to present a methodology for future validation studies. Experimental details will be given and the two validation geometries will be shown and discussed. The implementation of the modeling approach will be outlined along with a discourse concerning validation methods and criteria.

multi-scale product analysis

Clients coordinate and pay for the shipment of all finished products or remaining ingredients once a project is completed. Development of a new low-acid canned food product can be a daunting process for many new food entrepreneurs. Packaging and ingredient costs are high due to the nature of packaging required to withstand retort processing temperatures and pressures, and the need for several replications of tests prior to process establishment.

Multiscale analysis and modeling of multiphase chemical reactors

As materials continue to advance, it is becoming increasingly important to not only examine them at ever-higher resolutions but to obtain these observations within the relevant macroscopic context. This necessitates correlating different imaging modes to the same coordinates for truly contextual insight. Measurements must also be obtained quickly enough for practical application in real-world process control and failure analysis environments.

multi-scale product analysis

A modelling language is used to make a blueprint of a complex application, offering a way to co-develop a global numerical solution within a large team. A good match between the application design and its implementation on a computer is central for incremental development and its long-term sustainability. It can be used to describe any situation where a physical problem is solved by capturing a system’s behavior and important features at multiple scales, particularly multiple spatial and/or temporal scales. Applications for multiscale analysis include fluid flow analysis, weather prediction, operations research, and structural analysis, to name a few.

Computational Materials Design

The major difference concerns the wear rate which was four times lower in the loop test even if the number of steps was respected, but performed in a smallest duration between two contacts (1 s in the loop compared with 100 s minimum in power plants). The data extracted from the plant and the loop show that the wear rate is a function of the mean time between two consecutives steps (Lemaire and Le Calvar, 2001; Ford, 1992). The problem of the control rod assemblies was detected in USA in 1983 and in France in 1986 (De Perthuis et al., 1995). At this time and because the real components cannot be fully instrumented, AREVA NP developed a scale 1 simulator, called MAGALY, which is a hydraulic loop test in order to discover the tubes’ vibrations characteristics (frequency, amplitude…).

Finally the experimental and simulation results will be presented, along with comparisons of measured versus modeled distortion, and a discussion of validation methods. Can theory-driven machine learning, combined with sparse and indirect measurements, produce a mechanistic understanding of the emergence of biological function? Understanding the emergence of function is of critical importance in biology and medicine, environmental studies, biotechnology, and other biological sciences. The study of emergence critically relies on our ability to model collective action on a lower scale to predict how the phenomena on the higher scale emerges from this collective action.

Towards multiscale modeling in product engineering

The multiscale analysis method, i.e., the renormalization group method, in a form close to the one discussed here has been applied very often since its introduction in physics and it has led to the solution of several important problems. The following is not an exhaustive list and includes a few open questions. Multi-scale analysis of non-equilibrium hypersonic rarefied diatomic gas flow was presented by using a parallel DSMC method with the DMC model for a diatomic gas molecular collision and with the MS model for a gas-surface interaction model. The parallel implementation of the DSMC code shows to have linear scalability using the dynamic load balancing technique. The DSMC simulations revealed that the leading edge angle, gas-surface interaction effects affected on the flow over the plate, however, the three-dimensional effects would be small near the symmetric line of the plate in this flow conditions. From the three-dimensional simulations, the three-dimensional flow structure exists due to the viscous effects near the span edge.

  • A second ingredient of the MMSF methodology is to express the models with a generic, abstract execution temporal loop.
  • The properties, development and implementation of the resulting color area morphology scale-spaces are described and studies of their application to color image segmentation and noise reduction are presented.
  • This models the heat source directly using the above mesh and time step heuristics.
  • This work describes one of the most difficult to model Inconel® 625 geometries from production at the General Electric Global Research Center (GEGRC) and simulated using Netfabb Simulation by Autodesk Inc.
  • Packaging and ingredient costs are high due to the nature of packaging required to withstand retort processing temperatures and pressures, and the need for several replications of tests prior to process establishment.

The vegetation submodels would have mD interactions, exchanging only boundary information, but they would have sD interactions with the fire submodel. A mapper would be placed between the vegetation and forest fire submodels to stitch the grids of the vegetation submodels together, so that it would not have to be aware whether the vegetation is simulated by a single or by multiple domains. In this scenario, the vegetation submodels must be designed to allow boundary interaction, but they may be simulated in isolation by letting a mapper provide specially made boundary data. There is probably a performance benefit to using a single data structure, but separating the submodels provides more clarity and provides a path to directing parallelization efforts towards only parts of a code. In this paper, we present and evaluate an algorithm for estimating fundamental frequencies of composite speech signals.

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